Flora & Fauna
→ 22.02.19
We get enquiries regarding featuring our work in books all the time, being a small agency it is difficult to have the time to respond, let alone contribute to them all, but some publishers are difficult to ignore. When Victionary asked us to write a foreword to Flora & Fauna, a book that explores the ways creatives re-interpret and incorporate these elements into modern branding and design work we had to find the time.
This beautifully crafted publication is available from Victionary.

Jack Cheshire - Fractal Future Plays
→ 27.11.20

Talea Beer Co on Pitchfork!
→ 20.11.20

Wolffer NYC Rosé Cider Billboard
→ 28.09.20

Ice + Fries
→ 01.05.20

Two Chicks New Varieties
→ 10.04.20

Wölffer Playing Cards
→ 02.01.20

Ben Watt - Storm Damage
→ 04.11.19

→ 27.09.19

Wanstead Fringe 2019
→ 07.07.19

The Danish Girl
→ 02.07.19

Flora & Fauna
→ 22.02.19